Tree Restoration Services by California Gardens & Arbor Care in Covina

Bring Your Trees Back to Life with Our Tree Restoration Services

What is Tree Restoration?

Is your tree looking unhealthy, with yellow or wilted leaves? Maybe it has lost its luster, and you're not sure what to do. That's where our tree restoration services come in. Tree restoration is the process of bringing damaged or diseased trees back to their healthy state. Our expert arborists at California Gardens & Arbor Care in Covina specialize in tree restoration services and can bring your tree back to life.

Tall trees with long, reaching branches extending into the sky.
A tree branch being peeled, revealing its inner layers and texture.

Effective Tree Restoration process and its Benefits

At California Gardens & Arbor Care, our tree restoration process starts with a thorough inspection of your tree. Our certified arborists will examine your tree for signs of damage, disease, or pests. Then, we'll create a customized plan to restore your tree to its healthy state. This plan may include pruning, fertilizing, and insect or disease treatments.

Benefits of Tree Restoration:

  • Save your tree: Tree restoration can save a damaged or diseased tree that would otherwise need to be removed.
  • Increase property value: Healthy, well-maintained trees can increase the value of your property.
  • Enhance curb appeal: A beautiful, healthy tree can enhance the curb appeal of your property.

If your tree is showing signs of damage or disease, don't wait to act. Contact 
California Gardens & Arbor Care in Covina today for our expert tree restoration services. We're committed to bringing your tree back to life and ensuring the health and safety of your trees. Call us today at (626) 806-0996 to schedule a consultation with one of our certified arborists.

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